Player Development
Jr. Lancers Daily Throwing Program
General Tips
Thoroughly stretch your whole body before and after you throw
Try to complete at least 6-10 of these throw types every time you warm-up
Always stop throwing if painful
Always follow your throw, let your momentum carry you towards the target
Always lock your eyes on your target throughout your throwing motion
Use varying grips (4-seam, 2-seam, Change-up) and arm angles during the warm up
Every throw needs to be done correctly every time to truly get better
Create backspin off your finger tips - Backspin equals strikes
Create shoulder-hip separation - Should-hip separation equals efficient throw power
Mix in Driveline weighted baseballs and plyocare balls (if properly trained on how to use) - we have both in plentiful supply at the Castle
1. Wrist Flicks
On a knee
RHP has right knee on ground, LHP has left knee on the ground
Chest is facing your target
3-5' from partner/target
With no glove, hold onto your throwing wrist, raise your throwing hand above your head and out in front of your body
Moving only your wrist and fingers, pull the ball back and flick it to your partner/target
Purpose / Emphasis
Make sure your elbow is even with or higher than your shoulder level
Create backspin by letting the ball roll off your fingertips evenly
2. Free Throws
On a knee
RHP has right knee on ground, LHP has left knee on the ground
Chest is facing your target
5-7' from partner/target
Use your glove as a perch for your throwing elbow, raise your throwing hand above your head and out in front of your body
Moving only your elbow, wrist and fingers, pull the ball back and flip it to your partner/target
Purpose / Emphasis
Make sure your elbow is even with or higher than your shoulder level
Create backspin by letting the ball roll off your fingertips evenly
3. T-Position (Kneeling)
On a knee
RHP has right knee on ground, LHP has left knee on the ground
Chest is facing your target
8-10' from partner/target
Hold the ball in your glove out front of your chest
In one motion, separate the ball from the glove while turning shoulders
Proceed to "T-Position" with front elbow or glove pointed at the target and the ball raised behind your stance
Throw ball
Purpose / Emphasis
Learn proper "T-Position" or load position
Bring your chest towards your glove - do not swing your glove
4. T-Position (Standing)
Stand with your toes pointed towards your target (Wind Up Position)
Chest is facing your target
Feet should be shoulder width apart
8-10' from partner/target
Hold the ball in your glove out front of your chest
In one motion, separate the ball from the glove while turning shoulders
Proceed to "T-Position" with front elbow or glove pointed at the target and the ball raised behind your stance
Throw ball
Follow your throw by taking a step or two towards your partner/target
Purpose / Emphasis
Learn proper "T-Position" or load position
Bring your chest towards your glove - do not swing your glove
5. Rock and Fire / Rocker Throws
Stand with hip line and shoulder line aimed at the target (Stretch Position)
Feet should be a bit wider than your shoulders
15-20' from partner/target
Rock your weight from back-to-front-to-back foot before separating glove and ball and throwing
Alternative: Hop from back-to-front-to back foot before throwing
Purpose / Emphasis
Proper weight transfer and use of lower body
Athletic footwork
6. Drop-step Throws
Stand with back to your partner/target
Define push foot
RHP: Right foot
LHP: Left foot
35-40' from partner/target
Take a small drop step with your push foot, make sure you gain some ground
Rotate towards target to throw the ball
Similar to a righthand pitcher making a pick-off throw to 1B
Purpose / Emphasis
Proper weight transfer and use of lower body
Overemphasis over shoulder and hip rotation to promote shoulder/hip separation and throw power
7. Haders from the Stretch
Stand with hip line and shoulder line aimed at the target (Stretch Position)
Feet should be a bit wider than your shoulders
35-40' from partner/target
Take 3 equal steps with your kick foot on an curved path until your kick foot is perpendicular to, and in front of, your push off foot
Kick foot will make a 90 degree rotation backwards
1st Step: 30 degrees, 2nd Step: 60 degrees, 3rd Step: 90 degrees
Lift the lead leg like during a pitch, redirect momentum towards partner/target, and throw the ball
Purpose / Emphasis
Just like Josh Hader, we want good hip and leg load during our pitch
8. Walking Windups
Stand your toes pointed towards your target (Wind Up Position)
Chest is facing your target
Feet should be shoulder width apart
55-60' from partner/target
Establish a throwing lane and take 3 steps off the glove side
Walk towards the throwing lane at an up-tempo pace
Lift the lead leg like during a pitch, redirect momentum towards the partner/target, and throw the ball
Purpose / Emphasis
Proper weight transfer and use of lower body
Athletic footwork
9. Infield Throw / Shuffle Throw
Stand with hip line and shoulder line aimed at the target (Stretch Position)
Feet should be a bit wider than your shoulders
Distance from partner/target
U7-U10: 60-65', U11-12: 75-80', U13 and Above: 90-95'
Shuffle step or drop step towards the target
Deliver a strong throw
Purpose / Emphasis
Athletic footwork
Build momentum to the target for a strong and accurate throw
Follow the throw
10. Backpedal, Turn and Throw
Stand with back to your partner/target
Define push foot
RHP: Right foot
LHP: Left foot
Distance from partner/target
U7-U10: 75-80', U11-12: 90-100', U13 and Above: 120-150'
Stay low and athletic, backpedal 3 steps before redirecting momentum towards the partner/target, and throwing the ball
Last step before turn should be a drop step with the push foot
Purpose / Emphasis
Proper weight transfer and use of lower body
Overemphasis over shoulder and hip rotation to promote shoulder/hip separation and throw power
Athletic footwork
11. Outfield Throw / Crow-hop
Stand facing your partner/target
Be in an athletic position as if catching a fly ball
Distance from partner/target
U7-U10: 75-80', U11-12: 90-100', U13 and Above: 120-150'
Perform a crow hop by lifting the plant leg, then the lead leg high off the ground to create momentum towards the partner/target
Deliver a strong throw
Purpose / Emphasis
Proper weight transfer and use of lower body
Athletic footwork
Build momentum to the target for a strong and accurate throw
12. Quick Catch - Transfer - Throw
Stand facing your partner/target
15-20' from partner/target
Quick-paced catch-transfer-throw
Give target with chest facing partner
Receive ball with two hands and bring to chest for ball/glove separation
Pivot feet and execute T-Position and throw
Purpose / Emphasis
Athletic , quick catch / transfer / throw becomes 2nd nature